Date: | July 12, 2021 | |
Course: | Naperbrook Golf Couse | |
Start Time: |
Cost: |
All entry fees include green fees, range balls, tee prizes, entry into the raffle drawing and lunch. |
Entry Form | 2021 Junior City Application | |
Young golfers can enjoy gaining some tournament experience by signing up for this year’s Junior Amateur Championship! Entries will be divided into flights based on age and gender. The top five finishers from each flight receive awards. Any amateur golfer 9-17 years of age is eligible. Entry fee includes green fee, range balls, tee prizes, entry into the raffle drawing and lunch.
Stroke play. Entries will be divided into the following flights:
18 Holes
A (boys ages 16-17)
B (girls ages 16-17)
C (boys ages 14-15)
D (girls ages 14-15)
9 Holes
E (boys ages 11-13)
F ( girls ages 11-13)
6 Holes
G ( boys ages 9-10)
H ( girls ages 9-10)
Any amateur golfer between 9 and 17 years of age.
Registration Information :
Entry forms can be submitted by mail, fax, or in person to Naperbrook Golf Course (and will require a parent/guardian signature) by Monday, July 5, 2021.
Entry Fee: $40.00 per player for flights A, B, C, and D. $35.00 per player for flights E and F. $20.00 per player for flights G and H.
All entry fees include green fees, range balls, tee prizes, entry into the raffle drawing and lunch.
The top five finishers in each flight will receive awards.
Starting Time:
6-hole players will begin at 8:00am off of the 4th tee. 9-hole players will begin at 8:00am off of the 10th tee 18-hole players will begin at 10:00am off of the 1st tee.
Keep Pace Policy:
Our courses administer a Keep Pace Policy designed to allow golfers to complete 18 holes in 4:28 or less or 9 holes in 2:10 with 8 minutes at the turn. Any group that is more than 9 minutes behind the Keep Pace Policy time frame for play will be contacted by a Player’s Assistant who will help the group regain its position. Otherwise, the group will be asked to discontinue play and a prorated refund will be given.