Springbrook and Naperbrook’s Women’s Leagues are a great way to golf each week and meet others who share a love for the game. For more details on each of the leagues offered, please contact the Naperbrook golf shop at(630) 378-4215
Naperville Women’s Golf Association | 9 | Tues | Apr. 17 – Sept. 25 | 6:14 a.m. | Barb Higgs 630.707.1172 brhiggs@aol.com |
Tuesday Morning Ladies League | 9 | Tues | Apr. 17 – Sept. 25 | 6:30 a.m. | Jayne Anderson 630.527.0966 jayne_anderson9@hotmail.com |
Slice Girls | 9 | Tues | May. 1 – Sept. 18 | 9:30 a.m | Carol Sharpe sharpemom12@gmail.com |
Naperbrook 18-Hole Ladies League | 18 | Wed | Apr. 18 – Sep. 25 | 7:00 a.m. | Kathy Fulena kathy.fulena@cbexchange.com |
Twilight Women’s League | 9 | Wed | May 2 – Aug. 8 | 4:15 p.m. | Franny Cramton fac24@comcast.net |
For the Juniors
PGA Junior League
PGA Junior League Golf is designed to better socialize the game for boys and girls, ages 9-13. This fun format features team vs. team competitions in structured leagues that provide a popular, less stressful scramble format as opposed to stroke-play competition. This is a great way to get kids involved in the game!
Each participant will receive a numbered jersey, golf balls, bag tags, approximately seven one and a half hour practice sessions, at least five 9-hole matches against other teams in the area and professional instruction and coaching by qualified PGA Golf Professionals. Practices begin in mid to late May and matches will take place in the evenings beginning in early June.
Both Springbrook and Naperbrook Golf Courses will host several PGA Junior League Golf teams in 2023. Go to www.pgajlg.com for more information on the PGA Junior League.
To register or for questions about the programs, please contact the PGA Junior League captain at either course.
At Springbrook – Mike Lyzun (630) 848-5070 or mlyzun@napervilleparks.org
At Naperbrook – Tim Dunn (630) 679-8661 or tdunn@napervilleparks.org

• Participants travel to other participating local courses to gain more playing experience
• Golfers will share their enjoyment of the game with their peers
• Golfers will gain competitive experience in an environment that emphasizes fun and sportsmanship
• Participants will enjoy the opportunity to advance individual golf skills while being part of a team
All league players receive the following
• Team Jerseys
• Golf balls
• PGA JLG bag tags
• 5-6 regular season competitions
• Instruction from a PGA professional
• Team practices
• Awards
• Opportunity for all-star advancement
• Access to the PGA-JLG website
Cost Per PLAYER – $325.00

There are a limited number of spots available so please make sure to sign up early.