Springbrook Golf Course Renovation – Phase 1

Project scope:  Beginning September 2021, Springbrook Golf Course will have the installation of mainline drainage throughout the golf course, which is the first phase of the two year renovation of the course.   Large drain tiles will be trenched in to help drain the problem areas, and new drainage basins will be installed to provide drainage for new features to be constructed in 2022, including the renovation of bunkers, green surrounds, and tees.

  • Project expected to start:  We are expecting construction to begin in early September, 2021
  • Project expected to end:  Weather depending, construction should take 8-12 weeks and will be completed in the late fall of 2021.

Construction this fall will not require the course to be closed, but some holes may have to be adjusted temporarily to accommodate trenching and pipe installation.  Construction will be Monday – Friday only, and will be limited to one hole each day.  Impact to the course and daily play will be minimal.